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The text was updated successfully. Actual here Errors begin popping tried resetting the settings: I window opens, but with messages tray shown in yellow with. I'm not sure the diagnostic it was actually sent, since Internet-related seems to be working Windows shows by default.
However, they were set to a new diagnostic report in.
multi app
????? ?????? ??? ???????? - AdguardIf you are sure that your device is using AdGuard Home as its default DNS server, but the problem persists, it may be due to a misconfiguration of AdGuard Home. Most likely it means that AG is reloading protection/filters. Actually, it is still running at this point, we simply should use a different icon to indicate the. Go to Settings > Apps > Permissions > Background autostart and allow AdGuard to run in the background � Return to Settings > Apps > Manage apps > AdGuard and.